Bismillahi walhamdulillah.
Assalamualaikum wbt...
The same thing that others would felt. If they lack of money, they would cope themselves with hunger... and sometimes people would start to think about fasting. Hey, check ur niyyah! You do it for Allah or because you don't have money? If you do it reversely from the track, well you should cure your niyyah first.
Me, for certain times of course i can't fast! This is the time i tried to feel the feeling of hunger by our beloved Prophet PBUH. In a riwayah said that there're not once, but more than that our beloved Prophet cope his hunger by tiding his precious abdomen with small stones. When he walk and move forward, his Companions could hear the wierd sound came from the stones...
And i read some books, if you want to train yourself towards true taqwa, it should start from feeling of hunger (fasting of course!)
Right now i'm having the feeling, but it seems that my stomach couldn't obey me. It shouts like crazy, craving for food, although i've fed them with some. Then my head started feeling pain. Aih... isn't this a sign of gastric? ...
Diri Baik: Jangan carik pasal Syaima'! Perut tu nak guna berpuluh-puluh tahun lagi! kalo sakit nanti banyak kerja dakwah tertangguh! Mukhayyam akan datang nanti kena bentang pasal pemakanan dai'e. Nak jadi org dlm QS 61:2,3 ?!!
Diri Jahil: Iya, iya... nak makan la nie...
p/s: semasa musim exam yang menstresskan =P
⭐ Yamaha Bear Tracker Wiring Diagram ⭐
1 year ago
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Mungkin perlu diperiksa semula kenyataan tentang insan yang ingin berpuasa sunat tatkala tiada wang untuk makan.
Mungkin kita boleh ambil ibrah daripada kisah Rasulullah SAW yang ketika waktu pagi bertanya kepada isterinya tentang sarapan, lalu Ummul Mu'minin menjawab tiada makanan, terus Rasulullah SAW membuat keputusan untuk berpuasa sunat.
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